Congratulations to KingsleyHealthcare recruitment manager Beverley Lambert
Congratulations to Kingsley Healthcare recruitment manager Beverley Lambert. Well done! Target for first project is reached. Cause they support Over the Rainbow Children's Charity Beverley has been involved in charity fundraising for nearly 25 years raising many thousands of pounds. The idea for her latest venture, Over the Rainbow Children's Charity, came to her after reading stories about Lowestoft girl Daisy Newman who has severe cerebral palsy. To support the appeal for a sensory “magic carpet” for the five year old, she made cupcakes and raffled them at work to raise £132.
Beverley realised there were other families who needed help and that was underlined during the summer when she was contacted by Sarah Moore, the mother of four-year-old Rhys. Rhys is severely autistic and needs 24/7 care. His mother is currently having to sleep downstairs on the sofa next to him. She was prompted to launch the charity and its first target is to raise £6,600 for a Safespace Hi-Lo bed which will provide a secure tented environment for Rhys to sleep in.
Source: Halifax