First day of hand-holding visits at The Willows nursing home in Bedford

The beaming smiles said it all when hand-holding visits began at The Willows nursing home in Bedford today.
Jeanette Warden, 66, had not seen her mother, Winifred Clothier, 92, for six months and said today’s visit was “just wonderful”.
She said: “It has been a difficult time. We have kept in touch by FaceTime and I know the staff here are so good keeping the residents busy and posting photographs of activities they have been doing on Facebook. But it’s just wonderful to be sitting here holding my mum’s hand and catching up, having a real chinwag.”
Cyril Fomonyuy, manager of the home in Shakespeare Road, said: “It is a very emotional moment. We know how hard it has been for families and residents and it’s marvellous that the easing of lockdown restrictions now makes these visits possible.”
Learn more about Willows nursing home