First family visits bring 'hum of happiness' back to care home

Tears of joy have been shed at a Mid Suffolk care home, with residents finally able to reunite with loved ones.
In line with the latest coronavirus guidelines, hand-holding visits have made a welcome return at The Depperhaugh nursing home in Hoxne, near Eye.
From March 8, residents were permitted to nominate one person who is able to visit regularly and enjoy limited physical contact after conducting a lateral flow test.
Excitement and emotion was typified when Stephen Scorer welcomed his sister, Brenda Knobbs.
Sarah Fox, the home's manager, said: "Now that we are open for visitors, the home has its hum of happiness back.
“The support and understanding shown by residents’ families, despite not being able to visit the home, has been touching.
"Residents are now seeing family members face to face, and being able to have touch contact has been such an uplifting and emotional positive change to their wellbeing."
Find out more about Depperhaughe nursing home
Source: DissMercury