Kingsley charities book launched during Coutts team visit

The Kingsley charities book, Unleashing Compassion – A Journey of Philanthropy, was launched during a visit by the Coutts team to Kingsley House.
The first three copies of the book, which chronicles 25 years of charity work, were presented to Chris Rowden, Coutts Managing Director, Head of Enterprise, Shona Pushpaharan, Coutts Executive Director, Head of Hotels, Healthcare and Insurance, and Nigel Patel, Coutts Director Hotels, Healthcare and Insurance.
Kingsley CEO Daya Thayan said it was fitting to present the first copies to the Coutts team as the bank had steadfastly supported the business since 2003, never more so than during the Covid pandemic; during that time Kingsley had grown from three care homes to 34 with more on the way.
Marketing director Stephen Pullinger said the book launch was a “significant and proud moment for everyone at Kingsley, for taking their lead from Daya and his family, staff have become genuinely invested in our philanthropic work and passionately engaged in their own charitable efforts”.
“I know that for Daya, a gratifying aspect of Kingsley’s success is that it has enabled us to undertake even more charitable work,” he said.
He described to the Coutts team how Kingsley’s philanthropic efforts had spread around the world to countries as far afield as Sri Lanka, Colombia and Spain as well as the UK. The focus was on practical, small-scale projects that had a real impact on families and communities.
Our own staff had not been forgotten, he added, for during the Covid pandemic, the Kingsley Foundation was launched to support employees during times of personal difficulty.