Kingsley Homes Celebrate Silver Sunday
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Silver Sunday is a day in the national calendar which has the dual aims of celebrating the contribution of older people to society and bringing generations together.
Staff and residents at Kingsley Healthcare homes were delighted to join in by organising their own events.
At Sharston House, in Knutsford, residents enjoyed an online harvest festival service by Knutsford Methodist Church, followed by a fabulous afternoon tea made by chef Lucas.
Home manager Nishi Gottlieb said: “The residents celebrated in style with some lovely piano music played by Carol, a friend of our home, who very kindly volunteered to perform for us.”
At Four Oaks care home in Partington, residents celebrated Silver Sunday with an outing to the local coffee shop for coffee and cake.
Activities coordinator Charlotte said: “We value our connection with the local community and Silver Sunday was a great way to celebrate that.
“The residents enjoyed saying hello to members of the public as they passed in the street while also enjoying some much needed fresh air.”
Find out more about Sharston House nursing home
Author: Stephen Pullinger