Kingsley staff support Ukrainian aid effort
A vanload of aid for Ukrainian refugees was today loaded at Kingsley Healthcare’s head office, Kingsley House, in Clapham Road South, Lowestoft.
The company has responded to a plea for donations from local volunteers Mark and Susan Mitchell, of Prospect Road, Lowestoft, who have been marshalling support in the town for a charity mission led by members of a Ukrainian church, St Olga’s, in Peterborough.
Kingsley’s regional operations director Georgina Johnston, who contacted the Mitchells with her wife Jane, said: “We have provided medical supplies from a long list of things that are desperately needed, including hand gel, bandages, sanitary products and toothpaste.
“Everyone feels helpless about what is going in the Ukraine and it is great to be able to play a small part in helping all the refugees.” Mr Mitchell, who is coordinating his efforts with the Brainwave charity in Lowestoft, said: “This is the third Luton van we will have driven to Peterborough. When we have finished loading here we will be adding items kindly donated by Lowestoft and Yarmouth Rugby Club.
“From Peterborough, everything is loaded on to articulated lorries and driven into Ukraine.”
Kingsley CEO Daya Thayan pledged to help the Mitchells further in the coming weeks with transport and goods.
Praising the efforts of Georgina and Jane as well as the Mitchells, he said: “Everyone in the UK has been moved by the heart-breaking images from Ukraine and it is the right thing for us all to do what we can to help.”
Author: Stephen Pullinger