Meet our activities coordinator Aimee from Spring Lodge

Meet Aimee from Spring Lodge Care Home. She's one of our fabulous Activities Coordinators and has been at Spring Lodge for over three years.
After roles in various sectors, she decided she would like a position to give something back.
She said: "My role now involves lots of singing, having fun and assisting residents with person centered activities, tailoring a plan for groups and individuals.
Part of my job is to find out what residents have enjoyed doing in their life, what type of music they like, what they did for a living, how they like to spend their time, hobbies and interests etc.
Using this information daily, we have activities such as beer and wine tasting afternoons, puzzle club, knit and natter club, choir, communal craft projects, games, quizzes, baking ....the list is endless.
During lockdown we have been unable to have our usual entertainers and community events, so my role has been even more important to keep residents spirits up."
Well done, Aimee. Thank you for your amazing work in keeping our residents safe and happy.