Staff celebrate good CQC rating at St Clements Nursing Home

Staff at St Clements Nursing Home, in St Clements Hill, Norwich, are celebrating their good Care Quality Commission (CQC) report. The inspectors who visited the Kingsley Healthcare run home last month found the service to be good overall and good in every category, judging it to be caring, safe, effective, responsive and well-led. Home manager Jayne Haskins said: “I am delighted by the report. It’s been a real team effort and I am so proud of all my staff. “It reflects what the community and health professionals think about us. We have a fantastic reputation, specialising in end-of-life care.” Inspectors reported that residents and their families were full of praise for staff. One resident said: “The staff here are very caring. They are the most loving of people and they are not patronising in any way.” Meanwhile, a relative told inspectors: “The staff are so nice and they are so polite. They show my family member real respect and never talk down to them.” Inspectors observed that people were supported to maintain their independence; staff knew what people could do for themselves and were patient and supportive in helping them to do this. The report praises the quality of personalised care at St Clements Nursing Home. Positive comments from residents include: “They understand the type of things I like and the things I need. They know exactly how to fulfil my care needs.” Inspectors describe staff as “skilled and experienced in end of life care”. The report highlights a “pleasant dining experience” with “meals presented in ways that look appetising”. A relative told inspectors: “The food is really good and my family member really enjoys it.” The report states the home has robust procedures for training and recruitment and praises the safe environment. One resident told inspectors: “I do feel safe here, as safe as at home.” Residents and relatives said the service was managed to a high standard and that the registered manager had improved the quality of provision since coming into post last year.