The important questions you really want answered
Here are the most common things we are asked. We hope our answers will help you in your quest to find the ideal care home. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us; we are always happy to help.
All Kingsley care homes have stable, professional staff, and all are trained in providing quality care. They understand that all residents are individuals and give care provisions specifically for the individual when engaging either with the resident or their relatives. We are proud of our many staff awards and certificates, but above all, we are proud that our staff really do care. We also value kindness, empathy and compassion.
Kingsley’s industry-pioneering WINGS approach to care is about a change in philosophy which creates a positive culture, focusing on the quality of relationships and guaranteeing quality of life. It’s best summed up by the old saying – ‘Our residents don’t live in our workplace – we work in their homes’.
Yes, absolutely, access to our secure, spacious and well-kept gardens is available at any time for all. Those with mobility issues or who need to be escorted will always find a willing helper to take them outside to enjoy the finer weather if they so wish.
When we talk to our residents, we try to gain as much information as possible about their likes, dislikes, hobbies and past life experiences so these can be tailored into their care package; every care package is unique to reflect the tastes of our residents. Various activities are available, as well as trips out and visiting entertainers. After all, we do provide a luxury care experience.
Dementia often results in a limited concentration span, so all our staff are experienced in dementia care and the importance of providing brief but frequent periods of interaction. For those who retain the ability and express an interest, we engage them in the day-to-day activities of the home. For example, some of our residents help with the laundry, if they wish, whilst others have brought their considerable experience to assist with our garden. We actively promote sensory gardens that have proven therapeutic benefits for those living with dementia. We aim to bring a sense of normality to your loved one’s time at Kingsley and encourage them to continue to engage in daily life where possible.
No, she won’t. Our staff are on duty 24/7, and each bedroom comes equipped with a nurse call bell that we ensure is within the resident’s reach – this sounds a small bell that will summon a member of staff to attend to your loved one’s needs. For those who don’t retain the ability to use such an alarm, we will discuss with relatives and/or carers a suitable time frame for how often a check should be performed to ensure comfort and safety.
Kingsley care homes have an established system where external professionals visit regularly; these include district nurses, chiropodists, GPs and opticians. Our homes are staffed 24 hours a day by qualified staff who can attend to most needs. For those who require more specific input, we have excellent links with external health professionals.
Whenever you wish, the home is staffed 24 hours a day. If you used to pop round at 10 pm to say goodnight to your parent, you are welcome to do the same here. In fact, we’d encourage it. This is your loved one’s new home – you’re as welcome here as you were when they lived in their own house.
No. We have no set visiting hours; the home is staffed 24 hours a day. It is your loved one’s new home - you’re as welcome to visit here as you were when they lived in their own house; with a little notice, you can even join them for lunch! We love entertaining residents’ friends and family.
Please feel free to look around at any time convenient to you. Staff are around at all times of the day and can give you a guided tour of the premises and answer your questions. If you would like to talk to the manager, then an appointment can always be made.
Depending on the time of day you visit, there are often other relatives within our retirement homes, and you are more than welcome to speak with any of them who wish to. To have it direct ‘from the horse’s mouth,’ we can also see if any of our more able residents are willing to speak to you – every Kingsley home is their home; who else could give you a better idea of what it is like to live here?