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Brackley Care Home celebrates Good CQC rating

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Brackley Care Home staff are celebrating a good rating after their first CQC inspection.
Inspectors who visited our luxury new-build home were told in glowing terms by residents and relatives that staff were “amazing, marvellous, kind and brilliant”.
Their report states: “People and relatives were consistently positive about the way staff treated them. Staff we spoke with had a good knowledge and understanding of the people using the service.
“Staff understood people’s right to privacy and dignity and were able to describe how they supported this.”
Inspectors were given positive feedback about meal-times, with one resident describing the food as “fantastic” and a relative saying it was “always well presented”.
Residents and their families were satisfied that care was person-centred and suited their needs, one relative saying: “Staff are so responsive; if I hear a call bell going it is always responded to in within minutes.”
Inspectors were told about the home’s excellent activities provision, which includes regular visits by a local dementia choir.
Residents, relatives and staff all spoke positively about the management of the service, says the report.

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Find out more about Brackley care home

Author: Stephen Pullinger

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