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New care cafe to support carers looking after people in their own homes

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The cafe will be held at The Depperhaugh Nursing Home in Chickering Road, Hoxne, near Eye, on the first Wednesday of every month, from 10.30am to noon, beginning on November 1. It is designed to provide carers with an opportunity to meet people in similar situations and share their problems, swap ideas or perhaps simply enjoy a chat over coffee and cakes. They can treat the occasion as a welcome break from caring or, equally, come along with the person for whom they are caring.

Home manager Maxine Smith said she was proud to be launching the initiative, which is being rolled out by Kingsley Healthcare to its homes across the country. She said: “This is our way of saying: ‘If you care, we care.’ “You might work as a carer, care for a family member or just help out your neighbour by doing their shopping for them once a week. We want to say thank you to you all. “There will be no charge for the coffee, tea and homemade cakes. “In future months we hope to invite along representatives from charities and community groups who will be able to offer advice and signpost services to carers. “Of course, our event is not just for carers – we’d love to welcome along everyone from our community.”

Regional operations director James Sales said: “It is really important for our residents to still feel part of their community and this is a great way of bringing people into the home from the local area.”

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