Timperley Care Home held its first care café
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Estelle Felstead, activities coordinator at the Kingsley Healthcare run home in Mainwood Road, said: “They spent time on a one-to-one basis talking to people as they filtered in during the two hour session. Those who spoke to them found it very helpful and beneficial.” She said the aim of the café, to be held on the last Thursday of every month from 10.30am to 12.30pm, was to provide a welcome chance for carers and the people for whom they were caring to meet up with others in the same position. As well as enjoying a chat over tea, coffee and cakes, there would be the chance talk to staff about care issues. Mrs. Felstead said: “Of course, you don’t have to be a carer to come along. We love to meet everyone from our community and the speakers we invite each month will be talking about issues of interest to all elderly people.”
It has been confirmed that Ali Thornton-Stark, a mission specialist working for the Salvation Army’s older people’s ministries team, will be the guest speaker at Timperley’s next care care on Thursday March 29. She will be delivering a dementia awareness information session, help you learn more about what dementia actually is and how you can help those who are living with dementia in your own families and communities. By attending the session you will become a Dementia Friend which means you will join the other 2.3 million people in the UK who are Dementia Friends in association with the Alzheimer's Society. Ali will be accompanied by her colleague, Dan Elson, who is a mission specialist for the Salvation Army's music and creative arts team.
Together they will lead a session of the Salvation Army's latest resource called Singing By Heart which is designed to encourage those living with dementia and their carers to engage through music, song, scripture and prayer, using well known hymns and secular songs.