Well done Spring Lodge for your great CQC report!

Well done Spring Lodge for your great CQC report! Staff at Spring Lodge care home, in Woolverstone, near Ipswich, are proud of their good Care Quality Commission report. The inspector who visited the Kingsley Healthcare run home in Main Road on September 27 found the service to be good overall and good in all categories, judging it to be safe, caring, responsive, effective and well-led. Home manager Lorraine Barker said: “This is a tribute to the dedication and enthusiasm of all my staff. We are passionate about providing the highest quality care and are delighted this has been recognised by the inspector.”
The report praises the friendly atmosphere in the home with residents laughing and smiling with staff who are described as “brilliant… caring and efficient”. One resident told the inspector: “I love all the staff as if they were my own family; they know me inside out and I am incredibly happy here.” Another said: “I am happy, I have a lovely room, I have been blessed.” People’s right to privacy and dignity is respected and promoted, says the report. The inspector notes that care records are accurate and comprehensive enough to give a good insight into residents’ preferences and life experiences – these help staff to support people to take part in meaningful activities that they enjoy. Residents informed the inspector they were happy with their food, one commenting: “The lunchtime meal yesterday was good, lovely and laid out very nicely.”
The report notes that medicines are safely managed using an electronic system designed to eliminate errors. One resident said: “I get my tablets on time every day and with a glass of water I like to take them with.” People told the inspector they felt safe at Spring Lodge, one resident saying: “They (staff) pop their head round the bedroom door and check if you are all right, whether you need anything.” One family member said: “I’m happy because I know my relative is safe, we know if they ring the bell the staff will be there.” The report praises the “very supportive” and “very hands-on” manager and highlights the positive feedback received about the home’s leadership.
Visit here to find out more about our home on the stunning Shotley peninsula.