Our response to the CQC report
A challenge took place once the draft report had been received where we highlighted inaccuracies within the report. We also provided extensive evidence that showed our systems and processes were in place and robust. The evidence also showed that areas highlighted in the draft report had been addressed and in place. Some of the challenges were partially upheld. However Park View remain extremely disappointed that the CQC has still rated the service Requires Improvement.
Safe Response – CQC commented that risks to people had not been sufficiently assessed or mitigated. Our response – All residents have mandatory risk assessments in place on admission which are reviewed monthly. A risk register is in place within the home to ensure staff awareness and also that mitigating procedures are in place and robust. We have checked all risk assessments to ensure all risks identified have been documented and are available for staff to review in residents care plans. Our residents safety is a priority.
Not all medicines were managed safely. Our response -Thickening agents are now being recorded. PRN protocols are in place and reviewed monthly. Risk assessments and Management plans are now in place for all high risk medicines including Warfarin.
Effective Response – CQC -The provider was not always complying with the principles of MCA. Our response - A full review has been completed in relation to DOLS applications. Care Plans and Risk Assessments have been reviewed to ensure they reflect up to date needs of the residents. Monthly reviews are taking place.
Caring Response - Our response - Positive feedback was received verbally and included in the draft report. One quote stated We observed heartfelt and caring interactions between people living in the home and the care staff. People were treated with respect, compassion and kindness. One relative told us ( CQC) the staff are polite and we really are happy with the care staff.
Following the homes challenge the caring response remained Requires Improvement even though the report in relation to Caring was positive.
Effective response – CQC - Care was not always planned in a personalised way. Care plans did not accurately reflect people’s needs and choices and how they should be met including end of life. DNAR plans in place were not person specific and some wishes were not complete.
Our response – We are always looking to improve and develop our services. Care plans have been reviewed and inconsistencies addressed. DNAR Forms have also been reviewed and further information added as required.
Well Led Response – CQC - The service management and leadership was inconsistent. Leaders and the culture they created did not always support the delivery of high quality person centred care.
Our Response – Quality assurance systems are reviewed weekly and action plans implemented via our electronic RADAR system. This gives oversight for Senior Managers within the organisation. Training to be undertaken as required in relation to best interest decisions. Quality Surveys have been undertaken and a You Said We did Board in place to provide feedback for relatives
The Team at park View are disappointed with the outcome of Requires Improvement. A comprehensive action plan is in place to ensure we continue to drive improvements within the home. The report did identify several positive outcomes for the residents at Park View .We are proud of our dedicated and hardworking staff.